-AntiVirMailgate 導入-

 tar -zxvf avfbmgt.tgz

sub2# vi /etc/avmailgate.conf
mailgate.conf ##

# This file lists all the available parameters. Lines beginning with '#'
# are comments and are ignored. When a parameter is not specified, some
# default value is used. The default values are the values shown here,
# unless otherwise indicated.
# Parameters used by both daemons #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Avgated and avgatefwd will switch to this user and group
# as soon as possible. Avgated will do this after opening
# the SMTP port and avgatefwd will do it immediatelly.

User uucp
Group uucp


User uucp
Group uucp
Postmaster postmaster
MyHostName hoge.hogehoge.net
SpoolDir /var/spool/avmailgate
AntiVirDir /usr/lib/AntiVir
TemporaryDir /tmp
SMTPBanner "AntiVir MailGate"
ListenAddress localhost port antivir
ForwardTo SMTP: localhost port smtp-backdoor
VirusAlertsUser root

postfixの設定は 先ほどのINSTALL.postfixを参考に記述しました。
Insert the following entry in /etc/postfix/master.cf:
# service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command + args
# (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (50)
smtp inet n - n - - smtpd
# F<FC>r AntiVir Maild<E4>mon
localhost:smtp-backdoor inet n - n - - smtpd -o content_filter=
Make sure that the first character in the table is not a space.
The entry smtpd -o content_filter deactivates the relevant line in a
second invocation of postfix. (to avoid generating a mail loop!)

Insert the following entry in /etc/postfix/main.cf:
# Antivir Einbindung
content_filter = smtp:

sub2# /usr/sbin/avgated
sub2# /usr/sbin/avgatefwd

Warning: the file "antivir.vdf" is more than 14 days old

ありゃ^^; アップデートしなくっちゃ・・・
sub2# /usr/lib/AntiVir/antivir --update -q

OK!ですね( ̄ー ̄)ニヤリッ

postfix 再起動
sub2# /usr/local/sbin/postfix reload

crontab -e で定期的にアップデートを設定してワクチンパターンファイルをゲット!
Jan 21 00:10:52 sub2 antivir[*****]: Info: new versions found, restarting daemon
Jan 21 00:10:55 sub2 antivir[*****]: reloaded AntiVir mail scanner successfully
Jan 21 00:10:55 sub2 antivir[*****]: AntiVir successfully updated itself

テストメールのメールヘッダで 動作確認してみました(*^^)v
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Becky! ver. 2.07.04 [ja]
X-AntiVirus: checked by AntiVir MailGate (version:; AVE:; VDF:; host: sub2.yumidon.com)

Logcheck で送られてくるログを見ると・・・
sub2 postfix/smtpd: disconnect from ***.***.**.jp[***.***.***.***]
sub2 avgated: connection from localhost
sub2 avgated: spooled to ******
sub2 avgatefwd: Message 'incoming/*******' scheduled for scanning now.
sub2 avgated: connection to localhost closed
sub2 avgatefwd: Virus Scanner will process message 'incoming/******'.
sub2 avgatefwd: Message 'outgoing/******' scheduled for delivery now.
sub2 avgatefwd: Message 'outgoing/******' successfully forwarded.

   ちゃんと 稼動している様です(^_^)