1.3. aprs_status.confの設定
$ ls -l aprs_status.conf
-rwxr-x--- 1 repeater repeater 3464 Sep 1
12:50 aprs_status.conf
repeater ユーザでログインして・・・customディレクトリに移動しましょう。
$ cd /home/irlp/custom/
$ vi / aprs_status.conf
# filename: aprs_status.conf
# description: Configuration file for aprs_status
# See README_aprs for more details
# Rev 2.5 05Jul05 ZL1AMW Original Release
# Rev 2.6 11Sep05 KC6HUR Added "BUSY"
state; changed default
# overlay characters an default mode.
# Rev 2.7 14May06 KC6HUR Simplified the .conf
file in an attempt
# have consistant APRS records generated.
# Set your LATITUDE in DDMM.mmN/S
# DD = Degrees (34 degrees)
# MM.mm = Minutes (19.32 minutes)
# N/S = Hemisphere (North)
# - note: two decimal places only!
# example: export LAT=3419.32N
#export LAT=3416.51N
export LAT=3627.26N
# Set your LONGITUDE in DDDMM.mmE/W
# DDD = Degrees (118 degrees)
# MM.mm = Minutes (26.52 minutes)
# E/W = Hemisphere (West)
# - note: two decimal places only!
# example: export LONG=11826.52W
#export LONG=11820.94W
export LONG=13637.20E
# Set your node's frequency in MHz
# eample: export FREQ=440.220
#export FREQ=440.220
export FREQ=431.600
# Set the PL (CTCSS) tone used on your node
# example: export PL=110.9
#export PL=110.9
export PL=100.0
# Set the repeater offset (+/- blank=simplex)
export OFFSET=
# APRS Callsign
# This is the call that the APRS object is
to be
# sent from. Typically the node callsign,
with a
# high SSID number. example: export APRS_CALL=KC6HUR-13
#export APRS_CALL=KC6HUR-13
# APRS Pass/Validation number
# - Without a validation number, the beacons
will not
# be accepted by the APRS Tier 2 server system.
# - This must match the APRS callsign. To
obtain a validation
# number for your node callsign, use the
aprspass program that
# is included with the distribution of aprs_status.
# - You cannot run the system without vailidation
number. The new
# APRS Tier 2 system requires this validation
# Use the aprspass program generate your
APRS_PASS number.
# example: export APRS_PASS=23483
#export APRS_PASS=23483
export APRS_PASS=*****
# APRSD server address
# - Use the default provided here. With the
APRS Tier 2 server
# system, the address below will automatically
point you to
# a server. Using this address will spread
the load across all
# of the servers by passing out random addresses.
# NOTE: Should not be necessary to change
#export APRS_SERVER=rotate.aprs2.net
# Port to use on APRS server
# NOTE: Should not be necessary to change
#export APRS_PORT=10158
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# NOTICE: It is highly recommended that you
leave the default
# VERBOSE=false. Using the long form of the
status will
# violate the maximum size of the APRS Object
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# - if false (must be lower case) then the
beacon is
# shortened in length (less verbose) so it
displays better
# on a 20 character most mobile displays
# - Otherwise, set this to true (also lowercase)
export VERBOSE=false
# Display EchoLink Callsign or Node Number
# - Set to true to display EchoLink callsigns
# - Set to false to display EchoLink Node
export USE_CALLSIGN=true
$ sh /tmp/post_install_aprs.sh
update filesコマンドを実行して、設定を反映させます。
$ update files
$ crontab -e で確認すると・・・下記が追記されました。
# Run the aprs_status script every 60 minutes,
with a random offset
58 * * * * (/home/irlp/custom/aprs_status
>/dev/null 2>&1)
こうした方が良いよん( ̄ー ̄) 等々 ございましたら、是非 教えて下さいませ。
IRLP 情報交換BBS 御意見・御感想
どうぞ宜しくお願いいたします。 Yumidon