

 ちなみに skillのマニュアル見てみました。

[root@sub2 ~]# man skill
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SKILL(1) Local UNIX Programmer's Manual SKILL(1)

skill, snice - signal or reprioritize specified processes

skill [-signal] [-ivfwn] {tty user command pid}
snice [(-|+)priority] [-ivfwn] {tty user command pid}
skill -l

Skill sends the terminate signal to a set of processes. If a signal
name (or number) preceded by a `-' is given, that signal will be sub-
stituted for terminate. The command `skill -l' displays a list of
available signals.

Snice alters the scheduling priority of selected processes. By
default, the new priority is +4, but an argument of the form `+n' (or
`-n') can be used to specify some other value. Since the meaning of
"priority" differs wildly, snice will normalize priorities to the range
PRIO_MIN through PRIO_MAX; generally `-20' is the highest priority and
`+20' is the (s)lowest. Apart from the super-user, users may only
increment their priority. An invalid priority is quietly rounded up or
down to the first acceptable value. Where multiple scheduling classes
are available, snice is only guaranteed to operate on processes in the
"Time Share" class.

Options accepted by both commands are as follows:

-i In interactive mode, the user is prompted with each process that
is a candidate for action. Responding `y' will carry out the
stated action. Also, a ^D at this prompt causes skill or snice
to exit immediately.

-v In verbose mode, the id of each process successfully acted upon
is displayed. Alternately, when this is the only argument, ver-
sion information is displayed and the program exits.

-f In fast mode, the machine-dependent code responsible for reading
processes is allowed to make decisions to improve speed at the
expense of error reporting (e.g. commands may not be displayed).
This option mainly exists to aid in killing runaway processes on
operating systems with complicated VM designs.

-w Display warning messages for unreachable processes.

-n Display process id's but do not act on them.

All command line arguments are order independent. Skill and snice
allow processes to be specified using any combination of ttys, user
names, and commands (as well as process id's). Only processes that
match something in each category are acted upon. An empty category
guarantees a match. For example, `skill -HUP vi ex tty00' will send
the hangup signal to all vi(1) and ex(1) processes associated with
tty00. Similarly, `snice +10 find root' will change the priority of
all find(1) processes owned by root to +10.

Unprivileged users can only change their own processes so they need not
specify their user name as part of the argument list. On the other
hand, the super-user should be more careful (e.g. the command `snice -5
vi' will change the priority of every vi(1) process on the system).

Since skill and snice categorize their arguments, there is a chance
that they will do so incorrectly (e.g. a system command is also a user
name). Both programs try to match an argument with a tty, a user name,
and a process id, before classifying it as a command. To override
this, an argument can be forced to a particular type by preceding it
with "-c" (command), "-u" (user), "-t" (tty), or "-p" (process id). As
a special case, a question mark ("?") is categorized as a tty, and will
match processes without controlling ttys.

When targeting processes by command name, both skill and snice use the
actual name of the binary (i.e. that which is used for accounting pur-
poses). Otherwise, as processes are permitted to change their argument
vector (specifically argv[0]), an errant program could continually
change its name to avoid being acted upon. When targeting a process
that has changed its name, use the "-nv" options to see its actual
name. Command names may be specified using regular expressions by
enclosing them in forward slashes. For example, `skill -KILL /d$/'
will send the kill signal to processes with names ending in "d".

Process id's are not known beforehand, so both kernel memory and the
swap device must be searched for the required information. Alter-
nately, on some systems, the "/proc" file system is examined. When a
process fitting each category is discovered, it is immediately acted
upon (unless running in interactive or display-only mode). Processes
must belong to the current user unless said user is the super-user.
Neither program will ever act on itself, but everything else is fair

Exit status is normally 0; if the user makes a mistake, 1 is returned.
If a system error occurs, exit status is 2.

/vmunix system name list
/dev/mem physical memory
/dev/kmem kernel virtual memory
/dev/drum swap device
/proc process file system
/dev searched to map ttys into device numbers

kill(1), nice(1), priocntl(1), renice(1), ps(1),
kill(2), setpriority(2), signal(2), regex(3), proc(4)

Jeff Forys

David Sharnoff Greg Earle Christos Zoulas
Gorodecki Tom Mike Hibler Ric Anderson
Chuck L Blake Lee Duncan Allan E Johannesen
Michael Smith Aaron Denney Simon Burge

Things change while these programs execute, occasionally processes will
be missed (the `-w' flag displays these).

Systems generally truncate command names to an OS-dependent size. To
target commands with long names, specify the truncated name or use a
regular expression.

On some operating systems, these programs are unable to investigate
processes belonging to other users. While not a problem, this fact is
reflected in the "(but N could not be checked)" notice, which follows
the "no matching processes" message.

4th Berkeley Distribution April 7, 2002 SKILL(1)

 それでは 早速 skillコマンドを使って sendmailを停止します。

[root@sub2 /etc]# skill sendmail
[root@sub2 /etc]# ps ax | grep sendmail
[root@sub2 /etc]#

