-Logcheck 導入 -

 logtail.c を編集する。

 src の中にある logtail.c を編集しました。

[root@sub logcheck-1.1.1]# ls
CHANGES INSTALL Makefile README.how.to.interpret src
[root@sub logcheck-1.1.1]# cd src
[root@sub src]# ls
logtail logtail.c

[root@sub src]# vi logtail.c
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* logtail.c -- ASCII file tail program that remembers last position.*/
/* */
/* Author: */
/* Craig H. Rowland <crowland@psionic.com> 15-JAN-96 */
/* <crowland@vni.net> */
/* */
/* Please send me any hacks/bug fixes you make to the code. All */
/* comments are welcome! */
/* */
/* Idea for program based upon the retail utility featured in the */
/* Gauntlet(tm) firewall protection package published by Trusted */
/* Information Systems Inc. <info@tis.com> */
/* */
/* This program will read in a standard text file and create an */
/* offset marker when it reads the end. The offset marker is read */
/* the next time logtail is run and the text file pointer is moved */
/* to the offset location. This allows logtail to read in the next */
/* lines of data following the marker. This is good for marking log */
/* files for automatic log file checkers to monitor system events. */
/* */
/* This program covered by the GNU License. This program is free to */
/* use as long as the above copyright notices are left intact. This */
/* program has no warranty of any kind. */
/* */
/* VERSION 1.1: Initial release */
/* */
/* 1.11: Minor typo fix. Fixed NULL comparison. */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------*/

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sysexits.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

#define MAX 1024 /* buffer */
#define MAX_PATH 255 /* increase this size if you need a longer path */
#define VERSION "1.11"

/* Prototypes */
void usage(void);
int check_log(char *logname, char *offset_filename);

void main(int argc, char *argv[])   ← void main を int mainに書き換えて保存。

int status=1; /* Set status flag to error */
char offset_filename[MAX];

/* Check args */
if((argc < 2) || (argc > 3))

/* Do sanity check on all user supplied data */
if ((strlen(argv[1])) > MAX_PATH - 8) /* longer than MAX_PATH characters? */
printf("Input filename %s is too long.\n",argv[1]);

if (argc == 3) /* check user supplied alternate filename */
if ((strlen(argv[2])) > MAX_PATH - 8 ) /* longer than MAX_PATH characters? */
printf("Input filename %s is too long.\n",argv[1]);
else /* If no alternate filename given, make our own */

status=check_log(argv[1], offset_filename); /* check the logs */

if(status == 0)
else if(status == 1)
else if(status == 2)
else if(status == 3)
else if(status == 4)
printf("An unknown error has occurred\n\n");

int check_log(char *logname, char *offset_filename)

FILE *input, /* Value user supplies for input file */
*offset_output; /* name of the offset output file */

struct stat file_stat;

char inode_buffer[MAX], /* Inode temp storage */
offset_buffer[MAX], /* Offset temp storage */
buffer[MAX]; /* I/O Buffer */

long offset_position; /* position in the file to offset */

/* Check if the file exists in specified directory */
/* Open as a binary in case the user reads in non-text files */
if((input=fopen(logname, "rb")) == NULL)
printf("File %s cannot be read.\n",logname);

/* see if we can open an existing offset file and read in the inode */
/* and offset */
if((offset_output=fopen(offset_filename, "rb")) != NULL)
{ /* read in the saved inode number */
if((fgets(buffer,MAX,offset_output)) !=NULL) /* nested if()...yuch */
strcpy(inode_buffer,buffer); /* copy in inode */

/* read in the saved decimal offset */
if((fgets(buffer,MAX,offset_output)) !=NULL) /* nested if()...yuch */
strcpy(offset_buffer,buffer); /* copy in offset */

fclose(offset_output); /* We're done, clean up */
else /* can't read the file? then assume no offset file exists */
strcpy(inode_buffer,"0"); /* this inode will be set later */
offset_position=0L; /* if the file doesn't exist, assume */
/* offset of 0 because we've never */
/* tailed it before */

if((stat(logname,&file_stat)) != 0) /* load struct */
printf("Cannot get %s file size.\n",logname);

/* if the current file inode is the same, but the file size has */
/* grown SMALLER than the last time we checked, then something */
/* suspicous has happened (log file edited) and we'll report it */
if(((atol(inode_buffer)) == (file_stat.st_ino))
&& (atol(offset_buffer) > (file_stat.st_size)))
offset_position=0L; /* reset offset and report everything */
printf("*** WARNING ***: Log file %s is smaller than last time checked!\n",logname);
printf("*************** This could indicate tampering.\n");

/* if the current file inode or size is different than that in the */
/* offset file then assume it has been rotated and set offset to zero */
if(((atol(inode_buffer)) != (file_stat.st_ino))
|| (atol(offset_buffer) > (file_stat.st_size)))
else /* If the file inode is the same as old inode set the new offset */
offset_position=atol(offset_buffer); /*get value and convert */

#ifdef DEBUG
printf("inodebuf: %s offsetbuf: %s offsetpos: %ld\n",inode_buffer,offset_buffer,offset_position);

fseek(input, offset_position, 0); /* set the input file stream to */
/* the offset position */
/* Print the file */
while ((fgets(buffer,MAX,input)) !=NULL)

/* after we are done we need to write the new offset */
if((offset_output=fopen(offset_filename, "w")) == NULL)
printf("File %s cannot be created. Check your permissions.\n",offset_filename);
if ((chmod(offset_filename,00600)) != 0) /* Don't let anyone read offset */
printf("Cannot set permissions on file %s\n",offset_filename);
offset_position=ftell(input); /* set new offset */
/* write it */

fclose(input); /* clean up */

return(0); /* everything A-OK */

/* Tell them how to use this */
void usage(void)
printf("\nlogtail: version %s \n\n",VERSION);
printf("Written by Craig H. Rowland <crowland@psionic.com>\n");
printf("Based upon original utility: retail (c)Trusted Information Systems\n");
printf("This program is covered by the GNU license.\n");
printf("\nUsage: logtail [LOG_FILE] <offset_file>\n");
printf("\nlogtail will read in a file and output to stdout.\n\n");
printf("After outputing the file, logtail will create a file called\n");
printf("[LOG_FILE].offset in the same directory that will contain the\n");
printf("decimal offset and inode of the file in ASCII format. \n\n");
printf("Next time logtail is run on FILE the offset file is read and\n");
printf("output begins at the saved offset.\n\n");
printf("Rotated log files will be automatically accounted for by having\n");
printf("the offset reset to zero.\n\n");
printf("The optional <offset_file> parameter can be used to specify your\n");
printf("own name for the offset file. \n\n");

 もう一度 make linux してみます(*^^)v

[root@sub logcheck-1.1.1]# make linux
make install SYSTYPE=linux
make[1]: 入ります ディレクトリ `/usr/local/src/logcheck-1.1.1'
Making linux
cc -O -o ./src/logtail ./src/logtail.c
Creating temp directory /usr/local/etc/tmp
Setting temp directory permissions
chmod 700 /usr/local/etc/tmp
Copying files
cp ./systems/linux/logcheck.hacking /usr/local/etc
cp ./systems/linux/logcheck.violations /usr/local/etc
cp ./systems/linux/logcheck.violations.ignore /usr/local/etc
cp ./systems/linux/logcheck.ignore /usr/local/etc
cp ./systems/linux/logcheck.sh /usr/local/etc
cp ./src/logtail /usr/local/bin
Setting permissions
chmod 700 /usr/local/etc/logcheck.sh
chmod 700 /usr/local/bin/logtail
chmod 600 /usr/local/etc/logcheck.violations.ignore
chmod 600 /usr/local/etc/logcheck.violations
chmod 600 /usr/local/etc/logcheck.hacking
chmod 600 /usr/local/etc/logcheck.ignore
Done. Don't forget to set your crontab.
make[1]: 出ます ディレクトリ `/usr/local/src/logcheck-1.1.1'

 おぉっ!! 今度は 大丈夫ね♪