-NTOP 新たに再挑戦-

取り敢えず コンソールモード、コマンドを実行!!

 途中 Passwordを要求される(;一_一) これって・・・rootで動くのねん( ̄∇ ̄)
 ちょっと そこんところが・・・心配。

[root@localhost root]# ntop -P /usr/local/lib/ntop  Pオプションで指定しました。

次回 起動は
 ntop -P /usr/local/lib/ntop & 
(03,08/07 追記)

 おぉ!! 成功っすねぇ〜〜 リアルタイム!! 

Wait please: ntop is coming up...
05/Aug/2003 10:53:00 ntop v.2.2 MT [i686-pc-linux-gnu] (08/05/03 10:12:44 AM build)
05/Aug/2003 10:53:00 Copyright 1998-2003 by Luca Deri <deri@ntop.org>
05/Aug/2003 10:53:00 Get the freshest ntop from http://www.ntop.org/
05/Aug/2003 10:53:00 Initializing ntop
05/Aug/2003 10:53:00 Initializing gdbm databases
05/Aug/2003 10:53:01 Listening on [eth0]
05/Aug/2003 10:53:01 Loading Plugins
05/Aug/2003 10:53:01 Searching for plugins in /usr/local/lib/ntop/plugins
05/Aug/2003 10:53:01 ICMP: Welcome to icmpWatchPlugin. (C) 1999 by Luca Deri
05/Aug/2003 10:53:01 LASTSEEN: Welcome to LastSeenWatchPlugin. (C) 1999 by Andrea Marangoni
05/Aug/2003 10:53:01 NETFLOW: Welcome to NetFlow.(C) 2002 by Luca Deri
05/Aug/2003 10:53:01 NFS: Welcome to nfsWatchPlugin. (C) 1999 by Luca Deri
05/Aug/2003 10:53:01 PDA: Welcome to PDAPlugin. (C) 2001-2002 by L.Deri and W.Brock
05/Aug/2003 10:53:01 SFLOW: Welcome to sFlowPlugin. (C) 2002 by Luca Deri
05/Aug/2003 10:53:01 RRD: Welcome to rrdPlugin. (C) 2002 by Luca Deri.
05/Aug/2003 10:53:01 Plugins loaded... continuing with initialization
05/Aug/2003 10:53:01 ntop started as user nobody
05/Aug/2003 10:53:01 Resetting traffic statistics...
05/Aug/2003 10:53:01 VENDOR: Loading MAC address table.
05/Aug/2003 10:53:01 VENDOR: Checking './specialMAC.txt'
05/Aug/2003 10:53:01 VENDOR: Checking '/usr/local/etc/ntop/specialMAC.txt'
05/Aug/2003 10:53:01 VENDOR: ...found, 61 lines, loaded 59 records!
05/Aug/2003 10:53:01 VENDOR: Checking './oui.txt'
05/Aug/2003 10:53:01 VENDOR: Checking '/usr/local/etc/ntop/oui.txt'
05/Aug/2003 10:53:01 VENDOR: ...found, 70 lines, loaded 62 records!
05/Aug/2003 10:53:01 I18N: This instance of ntop does not support multiple languages
05/Aug/2003 10:53:01 IP2CC: Looking for IP address <-> Country code mapping file
05/Aug/2003 10:53:02 IP2CC: 47455 records read
05/Aug/2003 10:53:02 THREADMGMT: Packet processor thread (1092070592) started...
05/Aug/2003 10:53:02 THREADMGMT: Started thread (1092070592) for network packet analyser
05/Aug/2003 10:53:02 THREADMGMT: Idle Scan thread (1100459072) started
05/Aug/2003 10:53:02 THREADMGMT: Started thread (1100459072) for idle hosts detection
05/Aug/2003 10:53:02 THREADMGMT: Address resolution thread started...
05/Aug/2003 10:53:02 THREADMGMT: Started thread (1116941248) for DNS address resolution
05/Aug/2003 10:53:02 Calling plugin start functions (if any)
05/Aug/2003 10:53:02 WEB: Initializing

Please enter the password for the admin user:
Please enter the password again:
05/Aug/2003 10:53:31 Admin user password has been set
05/Aug/2003 10:53:31 Note: Reporting device set to 0[eth0]
05/Aug/2003 10:53:31 WEB: Waiting for HTTP connections on port 3000
05/Aug/2003 10:53:31 THREADMGMT: web connections thread (1125329728) started...
05/Aug/2003 10:53:31 THREADMGMT: Started thread (1125329728) for web server
05/Aug/2003 10:53:31 Sniffying...
05/Aug/2003 10:53:31 THREADMGMT: pcap dispatch thread started...
05/Aug/2003 10:53:31 THREADMGMT: Started thread (1133718208) for network packet sniffing on eth0
05/Aug/2003 10:54:59 CLEANUP: ntop caught signal 2
05/Aug/2003 10:54:59 CLEANUP: Cleaning up, set FLAG_NTOPSTATE_TERM
05/Aug/2003 10:54:59 CLEANUP: Waiting until threads terminate
05/Aug/2003 10:55:01 waitSem failed [errno=4]
05/Aug/2003 10:55:01 THREADMGMT: Packet Processor thread (1092070592) terminated...
05/Aug/2003 10:55:02 THREADMGMT: Idle Scan thread (1100459072) terminated
05/Aug/2003 10:55:02 FREE_HOST: Start, 1 device(s)
05/Aug/2003 10:55:02 FREE_HOST: End, freed 3
05/Aug/2003 10:55:02 PLUGIN_TERM: Unloading plugins (if any)
05/Aug/2003 10:55:02 NETFLOW: Cisco NetFlow exporter terminated
05/Aug/2003 10:55:02 CLEANUP: Freeing device eth0 (idx=0)
05/Aug/2003 10:55:02 STATS: 138 packets received by filter on eth0
05/Aug/2003 10:55:02 STATS: 63 packets dropped by kernel
05/Aug/2003 10:55:02 STATS: 0 packets dropped by ntop
05/Aug/2003 10:55:03 ===================================
05/Aug/2003 10:55:03 ntop is shutdown...
05/Aug/2003 10:55:03 ===================================

次は Webモードでの起動してみます(*^^)v